domingo, julho 29, 2007
Shakespeare não estava sendo metafórico quando Próspero disse: “ Nós somos feitos da mesma matéria dos sonhos.”
sábado, julho 21, 2007
Invencivel nas damas
Segundo estes cientistas, ja nao e possivel vencer este computador no jogo das damas, quanto muito empatar. Estamos a ser ultrapassados?
Segundo estes cientistas, ja nao e possivel vencer este computador no jogo das damas, quanto muito empatar. Estamos a ser ultrapassados?
sexta-feira, julho 20, 2007
Spiritual Path
(adpated form “One Hundred & Twenty Five YEars of Grace, Sri Ramana Maharshi)
The Human Being is essentially divine in Nature, the endless chain of irrelevant thoughts and desires veils this divinity in man.
True Happiness lie in spirituality. What does a man need to undertake a spiritual journey?
Right Guru
Only a Guru can remove our ignorance and bring us the abode of God.
A teacher should: (i) have the knowledge of the spirit of the scriptures, (ii) be pure and sinless and (iii) teach out of love for mankind, not for name, fame or money.
Prayers do materialize one’s wishes when in tune with natural laws and cosmic harmony. They send powerful vibrations to the cosmos and create a magnetic field and can attract the object or person of desire. We should pray for the lifting up of our consciousness from darkness to light. Above all they demand conviction and patience.
Spiritual Progress
What one should seek is permanent bliss (Ananda). This can only be find in the Lord. Without love, life is meaningless. Love with excessive attachment blind us. Love as devotion (bhakti) rises us above personal limitations and see the Lord in all.
In Meditation one progressively disengages oneself form any interaction between sense and the environment. This enables one to experience an inner peace and tranquility. When we are in sincere contact with our inner life force we are recharged with an energy that sustains our lives against all odds. When we come to view reality in a holistic perspective we can interact with others in a more human manner. And are gentle with ourselves because understand better now who are we and why we once acted as we did.
Spiritual awakening
When we find no material solutions to our suffering, we instinctively turn to a higher power, which we call God. We increasingly want to know more about this entity or force beyond our limitations.
Learn and benefit from relationships
A human being can function as mirror for other human beings so they can reflect on the on the condition of their own faces. They can see mirrored their own beauty or ugliness, jealousy or generosity, cruelty or compassion, love or hate. We can really benefit from all relationships if we let them function as mirrors. By thus examining ourselves we can grow to be real human beings.
Inculcate spirituality
Spirituality teaches tolerance and forbearance, the acceptance of life more readily as it comes and how to cope with adversity and tragedy. It also brings peace by helping the control of the mind, senses, desires and the freeing ourselves from negative emotions.
God Realization
Every soul is one with God but there is a need to remove the obstruction to His Divine Light. Ignorance consists of a false identification with the body, mind and senses. When the ego is dissolved, the indwelling God is realized as Self. It is important to love God with total devotion. Perform your duty and leave the rest to God. Perfection is working hard with no thought of the reward. Our love for God must be without bargaining for fulfillment of petty worldly desires.
The Human Being is essentially divine in Nature, the endless chain of irrelevant thoughts and desires veils this divinity in man.
True Happiness lie in spirituality. What does a man need to undertake a spiritual journey?
Right Guru
Only a Guru can remove our ignorance and bring us the abode of God.
A teacher should: (i) have the knowledge of the spirit of the scriptures, (ii) be pure and sinless and (iii) teach out of love for mankind, not for name, fame or money.
Prayers do materialize one’s wishes when in tune with natural laws and cosmic harmony. They send powerful vibrations to the cosmos and create a magnetic field and can attract the object or person of desire. We should pray for the lifting up of our consciousness from darkness to light. Above all they demand conviction and patience.
Spiritual Progress
What one should seek is permanent bliss (Ananda). This can only be find in the Lord. Without love, life is meaningless. Love with excessive attachment blind us. Love as devotion (bhakti) rises us above personal limitations and see the Lord in all.
In Meditation one progressively disengages oneself form any interaction between sense and the environment. This enables one to experience an inner peace and tranquility. When we are in sincere contact with our inner life force we are recharged with an energy that sustains our lives against all odds. When we come to view reality in a holistic perspective we can interact with others in a more human manner. And are gentle with ourselves because understand better now who are we and why we once acted as we did.
Spiritual awakening
When we find no material solutions to our suffering, we instinctively turn to a higher power, which we call God. We increasingly want to know more about this entity or force beyond our limitations.
Learn and benefit from relationships
A human being can function as mirror for other human beings so they can reflect on the on the condition of their own faces. They can see mirrored their own beauty or ugliness, jealousy or generosity, cruelty or compassion, love or hate. We can really benefit from all relationships if we let them function as mirrors. By thus examining ourselves we can grow to be real human beings.
Inculcate spirituality
Spirituality teaches tolerance and forbearance, the acceptance of life more readily as it comes and how to cope with adversity and tragedy. It also brings peace by helping the control of the mind, senses, desires and the freeing ourselves from negative emotions.
God Realization
Every soul is one with God but there is a need to remove the obstruction to His Divine Light. Ignorance consists of a false identification with the body, mind and senses. When the ego is dissolved, the indwelling God is realized as Self. It is important to love God with total devotion. Perform your duty and leave the rest to God. Perfection is working hard with no thought of the reward. Our love for God must be without bargaining for fulfillment of petty worldly desires.
terça-feira, julho 17, 2007
terça-feira, julho 10, 2007
Um Sonho como prenda de anos
a conta do sonho
Quanto custa um sonho?
Alguma coisa ele sempre custa.
muitas vezes muitas coisas ele custa,
outras vezes outros sonhos ele custa.
Nao importam os percalços, os sacrificios,
os espinhosos enredos.
Nao importa.
Uma vez vivido,
o sonho esta sempre num َtimo preço.
Elisa Jacinto
REcebi como prenda de anos da Julia. Obrigado
Quanto custa um sonho?
Alguma coisa ele sempre custa.
muitas vezes muitas coisas ele custa,
outras vezes outros sonhos ele custa.
Nao importam os percalços, os sacrificios,
os espinhosos enredos.
Nao importa.
Uma vez vivido,
o sonho esta sempre num َtimo preço.
Elisa Jacinto
REcebi como prenda de anos da Julia. Obrigado
A viagem À Índia é momento de prática e reflexão. Assim a leitura ocupa um lugar central na ocupação dos tempos livres ou de estudo como lhe quiserem chamar. Aqui vai a lista das palavras que ocupam o meu cérebro.
O Livro Tibetano da Vida e da Morte. Sogyal Rinpoche.
Um grande tratado sobre a filosofia budista escrito originalmente em Inglês.
Aghora, At the Left Hand of God. RobertE. Svoboda.
Um conjunto de histórias sobre uma filosofia radical do Tantra Hindu. Tem sido uma descoberta interessante apesar de fazer um pouco de impressão, principalmente quando eles comem as próprias fezes ou bebem de caveiras humanas.
Four Chapters on Freedom, Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
Não conheço muitos, mas parece-me ser um dos comentários mais acessíveis à mente ocidental da bíblia dos yoguis.
One Hundred & Twenty Five Years of Grace, Sri Ramana Maharshi Jayanti 2004.
Uma biografia na terceira pessoa de uma dos grandes mestres espirituais do século XX.
The Alchemist. Paulo Coelho.
A magical fable about following your dream.
Eu sei que é brasileiro e já o tinha lido, mas estava aqui em Inglês e resolvi tirar uma folga de coisas ensaios espirituais e livros de yoga.
O Livro Tibetano da Vida e da Morte. Sogyal Rinpoche.
Um grande tratado sobre a filosofia budista escrito originalmente em Inglês.
Aghora, At the Left Hand of God. RobertE. Svoboda.
Um conjunto de histórias sobre uma filosofia radical do Tantra Hindu. Tem sido uma descoberta interessante apesar de fazer um pouco de impressão, principalmente quando eles comem as próprias fezes ou bebem de caveiras humanas.
Four Chapters on Freedom, Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
Não conheço muitos, mas parece-me ser um dos comentários mais acessíveis à mente ocidental da bíblia dos yoguis.
One Hundred & Twenty Five Years of Grace, Sri Ramana Maharshi Jayanti 2004.
Uma biografia na terceira pessoa de uma dos grandes mestres espirituais do século XX.
The Alchemist. Paulo Coelho.
A magical fable about following your dream.
Eu sei que é brasileiro e já o tinha lido, mas estava aqui em Inglês e resolvi tirar uma folga de coisas ensaios espirituais e livros de yoga.